FoBM has undertaken several initiatives to increase understanding of the park's delicate ecosystems. One of these is our excellent bluebird monitoring program, which is described in detail elsewhere on this site.
Other vitally important work involves monitoring the water levels, plant species and animal residents of the ephemeral ponds - special little bodies of water nestled in the grassland that dry up every summer but fill up again in spring. In response to our dedication to safeguarding the health of these ponds, the RDCO agreed to enclose them with protective fencing.
Over the years, we've also headed up numerous hikes for interested members of the public. These interpretive hikes started at different access points and led people to wonderful vistas. While the Covid-19 pandemic put a temporary halt to this activity, we plan to resume our hiking program as soon as it is safe to do so.
Looking back over the past five years, we can see other encouraging signs of progress. Vandalism of fences and gates has declined and we see fewer off-road vehicles in the park. We're also pleased that fewer cattle have found their way into the park from neighbouring ranches. Horseback riding is now restricted to designated trails, which generally excludes those built by us and our volunteers. We will continue to urge hikers, dog walkers and their pets to remain on the trails and to remove all waste.